Welcome to part two of my September 2017 feng shui blog where I continue to share my fascinating meeting with Taoist Feng Shui Master Dr. Baolin Wu – the author of Lighting the Eye of the Dragon, one of my favourite feng shui reference books.
I’m always keen to visit the States, so dropping into Santa Monica to learn from Dr. Wu was a powerful motivator to pack the bags – again.
It was quite clear I had finally met a Master who truly embodied the energy and principles of the Buddha, unlike some other Feng Shui Masters I have met who can be very egocentric and money hungry.
Just some of the pearls of wisdom Dr Wu shared with me;
‘What I tell you today may not be relevant tomorrow as the universe and energy is constantly changing.’
‘Always contribute to your past as your past has made you what you are today, and still supporting your journey forward’. To explain – all of us today are the sum total of all the events, people and places we have connected with in our past. Our grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, primary school, primary school friends, high school, high school friends, relationships, work etc. By donating money to our primary school or high school, or helping our old friends we are supporting and strengthening our future and our chi.
'Human beings think they are superior to animals but they are not – humans and animals are equal.'
‘It’s best to schedule important meetings and events around either the hour of your birth or around the time represented by your birth year animal/branch.’ The Chinese animals and corresponding hours are; 11pm-1am Rat, 1am-3am Ox, 3am-5am Tiger, 5am-7am Rabbit, 7am-9am Dragon, 9am-11am Snake, 11am-1pm Horse, 1pm-3pm Sheep, 3pm-5pm Monkey, 5pm-7pm Rooster, 7pm-9pm Dog, 9pm-11pm Pig.I would also think (although this was not confirmed by Dr. Wu) you could also use the time that relates to your Day Pillar branch. You can check your Four Pillars on my website http://bit.ly/1MusZaC
‘There is no place with perfect feng shui because every person has different energy and what is auspicious for one person will not necessarily be auspicious for everyone in that place.’
‘We follow time, time does not follow us. It’s no accident you were born at a certain time and place. The numbers that make up your birth date act as a powerful talisman – like with like (p.22-23 Lighting the Eye of the Dragon). Surrounding yourself with environments and objects that match your own chi will bring out your fortune. (p. 12 Lighting the Eye of the Dragon).
Interestingly enough, during my 4 week holiday in the States, after every one of my three flights (domestic and international) my bags come out on carousel number 6 – what’s the chance of that? As I’m born on the 6th I knew this was a sign that I was in the right place at the right time and my trip would go well, as my energy was in sync with the vibration of the Universe. There were many more examples of this synchronicity on my trip – too many more to go into here.
I’d love to hear from anyone who has read his book and benefited from using his methods. Post your comments below.
Many blessings, Carol of Sacred Feng Shui Design

with Dr. Wu and his assistant Yvonne
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