2018 has the potential to be a more stable, balanced, healing year
2018 (from Feb 4) will be a great year for mainstream and alternative healing – good for real estate and anything to do with the environment and environmental healing. Let’s see what Mother Earth has in store for us in 2018 – archaeologists might dig up something interesting.
In numerology (from Jan 1), 2018 adds up to 11/2 – a good year for spiritual work, new business start ups, partnerships of all kinds, personal healing and healing modalities, making the right connections. Good for nursing, childcare, animal healing and welfare of all kinds. The number 2 relates to the Moon energy so people will be more in tune and sensitive. Be prepared to go with the flow as Moon energy fluctuates like the tides.
Yang Earth
Dog (Yang Earth)
The Year of the Dog has the same elements interacting – Earth over Earth, suggesting 2018 has the potential to be a more balanced, stable and healing year
KEYWORDS for 2018: balance ~ healing ~ spiritual ~ rigid ~ tuff ~ stable
In the Chinese astrology system, Yang Earth/Dog is called ‘Fai Kong’. A person born on a ‘Fai Kong’ day is exceptionally tough and never surrenders. They are very determined and will fight to the end. So this year people may take a firm stand and not be willing to compromise (sounds like President Trump, he’s born in the year of the Dog too). So we may see more international tension and confrontations – highly likely with Trump at the helm.
The Dog also relates to spiritual matters, so tension and conflict will continue over religious and cultural differences.
Symbolically, the Earth Dog is like a massive mountain, so this year we may see more earth disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, sink holes and avalanches.
The element of optimism – Fire, goes into the grave in the Dog, meaning consumer confidence may be low and pessimism will rise leading to a slowdown in economic growth. Stock markets may suffer, particularly from August onwards – October may be the worst month.
Famous people born in the Year of the Dog
Vince Vaughan, Bill Clinton, Judi Dench, Andre Agassi, Cher, David Bowie, Donald Trump, Alan Rickman, Winston Churchill, Shirley Maclaine, Elvis Presley, Steven Spielberg, Sally Field, Michael Jackson, Sylvester Stallone, Tommy Lee Jones.
Your Chinese Astrology in 2018
To find out how the Year of the Dog will affect you personally, visit my Chinese Astrology – Four Pillars Calculator to calculate your four pillars for free.
- If you have a Dragon in your four pillars, the Dog year clashes into your chart causing change, confinement and spiritual growth. A good year for spiritual development. Confinement may be caused by health issues or responsibilities. Wear or carry a Rabbit pendant as protection.
- If you have a Tiger or a Horse in your Four Pillars the Dog year is generally considered a good year for you.
- If you are born in the Year of the Dog you are said to be ‘offending the Grand Duke’, so take care when doing anything risky in 2018 (and make sure you have insurance). Wear or carry a Rabbit pendant as protection.
Feng Shui Energies for 2018
It’s important each year to tap into and enhance the positive annual feng shui energies, and weaken the challenging or negative annual feng shui energies, thereby balancing and harmonising the energy of your home and life. The two numbers which are the most problematic each year are 5 and 2, and must be remedied.
South East 8 | South 4 | South West 6 |
East 7 | Centre 9 | West 2 |
North East 3 | North 5 | North West 1 |
North West – 1 Wisdom Star – Neutral
- If your main door faces North West, you can do well 2018 if you work hard and make wise decisions. Hang metal bells on your main door or chime a singing bowl or bell 6-7 times once a week near your main door.
- If your bedroom is in the North West section of your home, your relationships and particularly your health may be good if you look after both. Chime a singing bowl or bell 6-7 times once a week in your bedroom. Every time you chime, say a positive affirmation such as ‘I have perfect health and relationships‘. Remember, what you think about is what you create.
West – 2 Sickness Star – Very Challenging
- If the main door to your home or business is facing West, you may be financially worse off in 2018 with health issues causing problems. Hang metal bells on your main door or chime a singing bowl or bell 6-7 times once a week near your main door to weaken this challenging energy. Say a positive wealth affirmation when you chime such as ‘I am a magnet for money‘. What you think about is what you create.
- If your bedroom is located in the West section of your home, your relationships will be less harmonious and your health and sleep may be worse. Chime a singing bowl or bell 6-7 times once a week in your bedroom to weaken this challenging energy. Every time you chime, say a positive affirmation such as ‘I have perfect health and relationships‘.
North East – 3 Conflict Star – Challenging
- If the main door to your business is facing North East, you may be financially worse off in 2018 with arguments, conflicts and legal issues causing problems. The Earth and Fire elements weaken this challenging energy. Place crystals or red/purple/pink objects (pots, pictures, rugs, throws) near your front door.
- If your bedroom is located in the North East section of your home, your relationships will be less harmonious and your health may be more worse. Place rose quartz crystals or a red/purple/pink objects (pots, pictures, rugs, throws) in your bedroom to weaken this challenging energy.
South – 4 Romance Star – Neutral
- If the main door to your business is facing South, you may find people have more interest in your products/services. If your home front door faces South you may find you and other family members may have more romantic proposals. The 4 Romance Star also supports academic success and creativity. Financially the 4 Romance Star is considered neutral, but very fortunate if you are creative or own a brothel :}. To support the energies, keep the entrance tidy and visually beautiful.
- If your bedroom is located in the South section of your home, your health and relationships may improve if you keep the bedroom tidy and attractive. As romantic liaisons are stimulated, you could have problems with competition, particularly if the bedroom is a mess and looks terrible.
North – 5 Misfortune Star – Very Challenging
- If the front door of your home or business is facing North, the Misfortune Star may negatively impact your finances due to accidents, sickness and less income. Hang 6 Chinese coins at the entrance to your home or office this year. Every time you look at the coins, say a positive affirmation such as ‘I am a magnet for money’. I also recommend placing metal statues, pots or wall art near the front door but don’t over clutter.
- If your bedroom is located in the North section of your home, your health and relationships may be very challenging this year. Be careful of accidents and sickness – slow down, look after your health. The sound of metal neutralises the Misfortune Star, so I recommend a Tibetan Tingsha, Tibetan Bell, Singing Bowl or Brass Bells, which must be chimed once a week. Say an affirmation in the bedroom such as ‘I have perfect health and relationships’ every time you chime.
South West – 6 Power Star – Neutral
- If the front door of your home or business is facing South West, power, fame and authority are stimulated. To bring out the positive energies of this star – good relations with authority such as your boss, police, councils etc. you must keep this area tidy and visually beautiful. Remove all clutter! If this area is untidy and looks uninviting, you may stimulate problems with the boss and people in positions of power over you.
- If your bedroom is located in the South West, please ensure your bedroom is neat and visually attractive to bring out the positive qualities of the 6.
East – 7 Gossip Star – Challenging
- If the front door of your home or business is facing East, your finances may deteriorate this year with an increase in fire, accidents and theft. Place 3 or 4 lucky bamboo in a vase at the entrance to help diminish the negative energy. At least once a day, say a positive affirmation such as ‘money comes easily and frequently’ at the entrance.
- If your bedroom is located in the East section of your home, your health and relationships may be worse in 2018. Ensure you have a fire alarm in the bedroom, check all smoke alarm batteries and turn off all electrical items at night including electric blankets. 3 or 4 lucky bamboo stalks in your bedroom will help to diminish the negative energies located here. Remember to say a positive affirmation such as ‘I have perfect health and relationships’.
South East – 8 Fortune Star – Positive
- Congratulations! If the front door of your home or business is facing South East, your finances and/or business will improve this year. Place a large red picture or rug at the entrance to your home or business. Make sure this entrance is used all the time this year as activity helps stimulate the prosperous 8 Fortune Star.
- If your bedroom is located in the South East section of your home, your health and relationships will improve this year. Buy a lovely red rug, throw or picture and put it in your bedroom this year.
Centre – 9 Success Star – Positive
- If your townhouse, villa, apartment or shop is located in the centre of a block, your finances will be great in 2018.
- If your bedroom is located in the centre of your home, your health and relationships will be great this year. Place a red/pink/purple rug, throw, tablecloth or picture in your bedroom to support this positive energy.
Annual time stars are far more accurate when analysed in conjunction with the unique feng shui chart of your home or building, which is based on the year your home, shop or office was built and the exact facing direction. Therefore, a comprehensive feng shui consultation is recommended to predict and improve your unique situation. Book your consultation – freecall Carol on 1300 728 279 or email carol@sacredfengshuidesign.com.au
The Grand Duke
The Grand Duke is tricky energy that doesn’t like to be disturbed and changes location every year. The Grand Duke resides West/North West in 2018, specifically between 285 – 315 degrees. Try to avoid or minimize construction and digging here. If it is unavoidable, you may experience delays, equipment breakdowns and unforeseen obstacles.
Did you know?
The Chinese New Year of the Earth Dog begins on February 4, 2018 – so February 4 is when the Astrological New Year and the Feng Shui New Year begins. The Solar New Year is based on the Hsia calendar or Solar Calendar beginning February 4, and the Chinese New Year celebrations are based on the Lunar Calendar. The Chinese acknowledge the yin and yang energies of each year; the yang (solar, masculine) new year, and celebrate the yin (lunar, feminine) new year.
How to get your place ready for 2018
To welcome in the Year of the Earth Dog, de-clutter your home, office or shop and then put the necessary feng shui remedies in place. Remove anything that’s broken, you don’t like or don’t use. Get rid of gifts you don’t like which are hidden in drawers or cupboards somewhere. Sell them on Ebay or give them to your favourite charity.
*STUFF* energetically and emotionally drags you down and keeps you from moving forward. You’ll be amazed how good you will feel when you remove dust collectors.
Clutter in any area of your home, shop, or office will be blocking a part of your life. You’ll feel like you’re stuck or stagnating. So get moving and clear the clutter.
I hope you enjoyed my feng shui blog. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Carol. For more feng shui tips and inspiration, follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
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